The Study

General information about the project can be found here. Check back frequently for updates on our progress.

As part of this study, crash history data will be collected and analyzed to understand crash patterns. The results of this analysis will lead to proposed countermeasures to mitigate existing deficiencies and safety concerns warranting improvements. The project team will evaluate expected effectiveness of safety countermeasures, the cost of improvements, and stakeholder input when determining the preferred alternative.

Project GoalS

Magnifying Glass


Potential Safety Concerns

Cogs Icon


Consider Alternatives

Computer screen with arrow pointing upward


Countermeasures and Improvements



Preferred Alternative

Project Scope

IDOT projects are typically implemented in three phases.

Phase I involves analyzing existing and future conditions, defining the Purpose and Need for an improvement, and developing and evaluating improvement alternatives. Phase I concludes with the selection of the preferred alternative.

Phase II is the design and land acquisition stage. During this phase, construction plans for the preferred alternatives are developed and any necessary right of way is acquired.

When all Phase II activities are complete and funding for construction is secured, we begin Phase III – the most visible phase to the public and involves the actual construction of the improvements.